Anti-Aging: 12 Oatmeal


Add oatmeal to your normal diet to slow down the aging process because it

  1. lowers cholesterol

  2. boosts immune system

  3. stabilizes blood sugar

  4. reduces risk of diabetes

  5. has special antioxidants to protect heart

  6. prevents breast cancer

  7. gluten-friendly – it has a small amount of gluten but studies have shown that adults and children with celiac disease can tolerate it

Add other Anti-Aging foods to your oatmeal… like

Check out  Mr. for 144 different ways to make oatmeal!

Let me know what you try and how you like it!

Anti-Aging: 11 Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate = Health Food = TRUE!!!!!!!!

It is an ANTI-AGING food!

It has Cocoa that contains a plant compound called flavonols.

Flavonols have an impressive array of benefits including:

  • lowering blood pressure

  • lowering cholesterol

According to FitDay, Dark Chocolate

  1. Is Good for your Heart (helps prevent blood clots)

  2. Is Good for your Brain (increases blood flow & reduces stroke)

  3. Helps control Blood Sugar (has a low glycemic index-won’t spike blood sugar levels, good for circulation & it helps keep blood vessels healthy)

  4. Is FULL of Antioxidants!  Helps free your body of FREE RADICALS

  5. Contains Theobromine – shown to harden tooth enamel

  6. Is high in VITAMINS & MINERALS!

  • Potassium

  • Copper

  • Magnesium

  • Iron

The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent against stroke and cardiovascular ailments. The iron in chocolate protects against iron deficiency anemia, and the magnesium in chocolate helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Check out some of the Best Dark Chocolate in the world